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📧 ISSUE 023 |  8/2024      HKIFFINDUSTRY 🔍
香港國際電影節協會公布入選 HAF Film Lab 的 9 項華語電影計劃。從來自中國大陸、香港、澳門、馬來西亞等 15 個國家和地區的 121 份申請中脱穎而出的團隊,將於 8 月 26 日至 30 日參與一連五日的培訓,內容涵蓋劇本創作、攝影、剪輯、電影美術、電影推廣發行及一對一咨詢

除入選團隊,公眾亦可以參與 Film Lab 舉辦的公開講座及《野蠻人入侵》放映會,免費登記將於 8 月 5 日開放,敬請留意!

The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society has announced the shortlist of 9 Chinese-language film projects for the 7th HAF Film Lab. Filmmakers, who stood out from 121 applications received from 15 countries and regions including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Malaysia, will participate in a five-day training programme from 26th to 30th August. The training encompasses a comprehensive curriculum covering scriptwriting, cinematography, editing, art direction, distribution and marketing, and one-on-one consultation.

Open lectures and screening of Barbarian Invasion will open to the public for free registration from 5 August, please stay tuned.

今年HAF電影培訓計劃(Film Lab)主視覺設計繼續由香港平面設計師 Forrest Lau 操刀。橢圓形的天空仿似一枚巨蛋,在這個象徵初生的荒野之地上,追逐電影夢的人重新啟航,前往廣闊的宇宙,展開又一段創作旅程。

We are pleased to have Hong Kong graphic designer Forrest Lau create HAF Film Lab's key visual again this year. In an elliptical sky that resembles the shape of an incubated egg, filmmakers set out from the harsh lands that symbolise a raw beginning, soaring into the sky and beyond, embarking on yet another journey of making their films of dreams.
HAF 電影培訓計劃 公開講座及免費放映
網上登記 | 8 月 5 日下午 3 時起開放
登記詳情 | https://industry.hkiff.org.hk/en/filmlab 

HAF Film Lab Open Lectures & Free Screening
Online Registration | Start at 3pm, 5 Aug
Registration details | https://industry.hkiff.org.hk/en/filmlab
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