Partnered with Marché du Film, HKIFF Industry will again bring five Work-in-Progress (WIP) projects to join the "HAF Goes to Cannes" screening programme this year. These projects are looking for sales agents, distributors, and festival screenings. Representatives of HKIFF Industry and the projects will attend in person. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with us.
香港國際電影節電影業辦公室(HKIFF Industry)再度與康城電影市場(Marché du Film)攜手合作,舉辦「HAF邁進康城」計劃,為五個入選的「製作中項目(WIP)」電影計劃提供特別放映及內容簡介的機會! HKIFF Industry及電影計劃代表亦親身到場參與,歡迎各位蒞臨參加,與計劃代表洽談後期製作、發行,以及電影節放映等合作機會。
Date 日期:19/05/2024 (Sun 日)
Time 時間:2:00 - 3:50 pm (Cannes' time GMT+2)
📍 Screening Venue 放映地點: Palais K
(* Market badge holders and by invitation only 持市場證及獲邀人士)