HAF will bring five Work-in-Progress (WIP) projects to the HAF Goes to Cannes program this year. These films are still looking for sales agents, distributors, and festival screenings; representatives from HAF and the projects will be attending Marché du Film in person as well. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with us.
香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)再度與康城電影市場(Marché du Film)攜手合作,舉辦「HAF邁進康城」計劃,為五個入選的「製作中項目(WIP)」電影計劃提供特別放映及內容簡介的機會! HAF及電影計劃代表亦親身到場參與康城電影市場,歡迎各位蒞臨參加,與計劃代表洽談後期製作、發行,以及電影節放映等合作機會。