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📧 ISSUE 544 |  1/2022       HKIFFINDUSTRY     🔍
Selected from 222 submissions from 38 countries and regions, 28 In-Development Projects (IDP) are shortlisted in the 20th edition of HAF (HAF20), including eight from Hong Kong, 12 debut features, as well as projects from such renowned filmmakers and producers as HUANG Ji, Jun LI, MARIKO Tetsuya, Ida PANAHANDEH, LIM Lung Yin, TSANG Tsui-shan, Michael J. WERNER, Fruit CHAN, Nonzee NIMIBUTR, YANG Chao, DING Yuin-shan, and Jane ZHENG.

HAF20 will run online concurrently with FILMART 2022 from 14 to 16 March. Accredited HAF guests can get access to both HAF and FILMART online platforms, and will also be given the chance to take meetings with our talented filmmakers to discuss collaboration possibilities.

第20屆香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF20)公布28項入圍「發展中項目(IDP)」電影計劃,從來自38個國家和地區的222份申請中選出。當中包括8項香港電影計劃、12位初次執導長片的新導演、多位獲獎電影人如黃驥李駿碩真利子哲也艾達潘納漢德 (Ida PANAHANDEH)林龍吟曾翠珊,以及知名監製如溫煦宇陳果朗斯尼美畢達楊超丁雲山鄭菁等。
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