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HAF電影培訓計劃 十一位導師陣容
Eleven industry veterans as tutors of HAF Film Lab
第四屆HAF電影培訓計劃 (Film Lab) 入選電影計劃日前已經公布。


The shortlisted projects of the fourth edition of HAF Film Lab Programme (Film Lab) have been announced earlier.

We are honoured to welcome 5 new tutors to join this year’s Film Lab. They are: award-winning and acclaimed film director Peter Chan Ho-sun, renowned production designer and art director Man Lim-chung, experienced and award-winning cinematographer Zhao Xiaoshi, Executive Director of the HKIFFS Albert Lee and Director of the HKIFF Industry Jacob Wong.
今屆HAF Film Lab亦設網上講座環節(8月24-26日),將開放予公眾登記及免費參與。有關參加方法及詳情不日公布,敬請留意。

This year Film Lab’s online panel discussions will run from 24-26 Aug 2021. We shall soon open for public registration and it’s free of charge! For registration details, please stay tuned to our website and social media channels.
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