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The 4th HAF Film Lab's key visual and projects unveiled
第四屆HAF電影培訓計劃  主視覺及入選電影計劃公布

The fourth edition of HAF Film Lab Programme (Film Lab) will run online from 24 - 28 August 2021.

香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)舉辦電影培訓計劃 (Film Lab) 將於2021年8月24-28日以網上形式舉行。

For the visual design of the fourth iteration of Film Lab, we use the metaphor of laboratory for the necessary process every film project has to go through. Cinematic art parallels large-scale laboratorial operations in their explorations of the boundless “unknown” with the limited “given”. By forming the Film Lab, HAF offers a platform that encourages unbounded and undefined creations of filmmakers. A clean white background sets the general tone of this year’s poster, on which a door demarcates two spheres. Outside, frames from films light up a screen; whereas inside the lab, filmmakers fuse together their life experiences and repeatedly test and improve on the most primary “concepts” to deliver each particular shot accordingly.

本屆HAF電影培訓計劃主視覺設計以「實驗室」作比喻,道出電影創作必經的過程。電影藝術好比一門大型實驗操作,以有限的「已知」探索無限的「未知」;HAF提供有形的「實驗室」(Film Lab)平台,鼓勵電影人無形及無盡的「創作」。是次海報背景以一色純白作設計基調。一門之隔,光景不一。門外是一幀幀光影填滿的銀幕,實驗室內卻是電影人揉合其人生閱歷,把最原始的「概念」反覆測試及改良,從而有序呈現每一個鏡頭。
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