Index of /Press/HKIFF45/Press Release/20210309 HKIFF45 Programme Reveals/(01) Galas Presentation/(01b) Cinephile Paradise/

(01) Charlatan/                                    25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(02) DAU. Natasha/                                 25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(03) Ema/                                          25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(04) Marghe and her Mother/                        25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(05) Martin Eden/                                  25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(06) Minari/                                       25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(07) An Officer and a Spy (J'Accuse)/              25-Aug-2021 02:48                   -
(08) Only the Animals/                             25-Aug-2021 02:49                   -
(09) Rifkin's Festival/                            25-Aug-2021 02:49                   -
(10) The Ties/                                     25-Aug-2021 02:49                   -
(11) Undine/                                       25-Aug-2021 02:49                   -
(12) Wife of a Spy/                                25-Aug-2021 02:49                   -